Writing Prompt

I made a New Year’s resolution to write more blog posts this year. I thought it was a slam-dunk goal and pretty lame, considering I’d only written one post in 2021. One in 2020. One in 2019.

So I challenged myself to write one post every month in 2022. Although it’s the evening of the last day of the month, and I’m posting this blog by the skin of my teeth, I made it. I’m here. There are words on the page for my January post.

No coincidence, I’m reading Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.

Whenever I sit down to write, I often overthink how I’m going to start the thing. I put too much emphasis on writing that perfect first sentence. And when it doesn’t come, I hesitate and second-guess myself, the resistance builds, and I get up from my desk to make a sandwich.

Goldberg encourages writers to not overthink it. Just sit down and write, and to write freely, on a regular basis. She says, “Once you begin writing, you might be surprised where your mind takes the topic. That’s good. You are not trying to control your writing. You are stepping out of the way. Keep your hand moving.”

What about the curse of the blank page? Goldberg offers a long list of writing prompts to get the creative juices flowing, including the simple line:

I remember …

And that’s how today’s post started. I remember , I remember … I remember when I made a New Year’s resolution to write more blog posts this year.

I have no idea what the topic will be each month, but I promise to show up, sit down and get out of my own way. I promise to keep my hand moving.